Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Life Divine Series- Luminous Reconciliations - 3

Case 2
Human aspiration Vs Actual Experience
Case History:

There are people who are aspiring for perfection. In fact aspiration for perfection is time immemorial. The humanity's highest aspiration for perfection - God, Light, Freedom and Immorality is expected to lead them from:
                Current human consciousness to Divine Consciousness
                Limited mentality to the light of knowledge
                Suffering and bondage to peace and freedom and
                Death to Immortal life
whereas the actual life is full of
                Limited mentality,
                Pain, suffering and death

Therefore practical person says that one should not try to become perfect because it is always impossible. The perfection is an ideal which is  admirable but not practical in real life..


Body , mind, and intellect are imperfect. With these imperfect instruments at our disposal, we have seen and are experiencing quarrel, misunderstanding, impatience, jealousy and what not. Man cannot become perfect with these imperfect instruments at his disposal.
However, in spite of actual realities, human race is continuing with their ideal. Even though present realities make them feel inadequate or imperfect, they are pursuing their goal.

Concluding arguments:

How can body, mind, sense, emotions, ego, limited intellect - show the way for? - Questions Practical person
Man feels the need for perfection and hence he aspires for perfection. That feeling is continuing from time immemorial and hence it should be explored fully in spite of all contradictions - Says Idealist


Sri Aurobindo says that it is the Nature's method to present contradictions and harmony. Man is progressing towards the ideal by trying to create harmony between perfection and the actuality. At one time, it was impossible to fly in the air and man has made it possible. It took long time for the message to travel from one end of the globe to another but now it is instantaneous. At one time, it was impossible to think of space travel, but now man has mastered the space travel.

The contradictions appear as negative. It is the Nature's way of presenting it to us and making us to overcome it. They are actually opportunities in disguise which will help us to discover hidden potential. We should not avoid contradictions rather ask ourselves " What is it I need to overcome the opposition?  That is how progress have been made. It means that man has to evoke faculties, powers, knowledge and capacities in him to attain the perfection that he envisages.
He says " Animal is the laboratory in which Nature has worked out man. That man himself can be a thinking and living laboratory in whom and with whose conscious co-operation , Nature wills to work out God or to manifest God"

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