Friday, January 10, 2014

The Life Divine Series- Luminous Reconciliations - 2

Case 1
Matter Vs Spirit
Case History: 

Western materialism considers sense as the sole means of knowledge. Through application of sense data, western materialism has achieved many fold development in the field of science and technology. India's spiritual wisdom, on the other hand, relies on the spirit as the foundation and basis of enquiry. Through this application, they have built enormous treasure on the spiritual science.


The search for knowledge by the materialists lead to the birth of industrial age, space age, digital age and age of creativity. It paved the way for the exploration of space and to overcome constraint of time to some extent. Instant communication, SMS, Email, faster mode of transportation, visit to other planets and exploration by man in those regions have made man - the ruler of nature.

Indian Spiritualists, on the other hand, provided a firm foundation for the human culture. They have made fundamental inquiry about man and his relation to the ultimate Reality.
They have shown that
                Knowledge surpasses sense by the higher powers of the Spirit
                There is creative function of mind which is shaping our knowledge
                Material reality is the transitory reality

This kind of inquiry has created a great aspiration in man for Unity with Divine.

Concluding arguments:

Material only exists and the spirit is the figment of imagination- Materialists
Spirit alone is the reality - Ascetic


We need scientific approach. The materialistic view helps us to approach issues objectively and scientifically. This approach helps us to overcome superstition. To that extent, materialistic view has helped humanity. However there are truths of life beyond materialistic view. There are different levels - planes like, psychological and spiritual which govern  life's movement. Their part in determining life is also important- something more important than materialistic view.

Matter and spirit are the two ends of the one indivisible Reality. Spirit is holding all the potentialities of Matter.

Sri Aurobindo  quotes the Upanishad, which declared long ago " Matter itself is Brahman. Matter is the infinite". If we oppose either Matter or the Spirit, we will end up either " a great bankruptcy of Life" or " an equal bankruptcy in the things of the Spirit" . Matter involves life, mind and supermind. Matter and spirit are fundamentally one thing, not divided; they are merely different shadings of the reality, Brahman, the Absolute. Matter is the self-absorption of the Divine as inconscient. To us Matter appears as  inconscient because we do not see any sign of conscious awareness on the surface – i.e. it does not respond to stimulation. However there is consciousness in the matter but hidden from the surface. This is because the consciousness of the One can never be destroyed, it can only be concealed. Spirit is the source of Matter. Matter is the means of manifesting Spirit in life.

For example, a stone is a matter which is lifeless, inanimate or inconscient. Stones do not think or move.  However our world process has started with lifeless matter and has evolved overtime into life and mind. The Divine started the creation with the world of inanimate matter and from there life has emerged. 

As per science, the lifeless stone actually consists of millions of atoms revolving  at a high speed. The sense of solidity is only an illusion. It means it is very much active and alive. 

The matter when perceived from
                a) Five senses - appears as object
                b) Scientific enquiry - appears as movement of atoms and molecules
                c)  Higher Consciousness - appears as energy
                d) Supramental Consciousness - appears as Spirit

Therefore the ascending series from Matter to Spirit is  -
                                                to Life -  
                                                                to Mind -
                                                                                to supermind -
                                                                                                to the Spirit.

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