Friday, January 10, 2014

Astrology- KP and KB System of Predictions -1


The series of writing planned to be penned will focus on the Bhaskaran method of prediction(KB System) using Krishnamurti Paddhathi  as the basis for the foundation.Since we will be concentrating more on the basic and advanced aspects under KB method, the fundamentals of KP will be covered in summary.

1) KP uses the Sidereal Zodiac, the Placidus House System, and the KP Ayanamsa. 

2) The star is divided into sub. The sub lord plays a major role in delineating KP charts, hence you need to familiarize yourself with the KP method of sub division of star.

3) In KB, for accurately evaluating the strength or weakness of a house, you must take into consideration the sublord of the house and its association with other houses. Fate of the individual can be assessed in this way.

3. Vimshottari Dasa system has to be used for timing events and is based on the constellations and the sub-divisions of the constellations. The freewill of the individual can  known through this way.

5. In KB, the effects of any planet can be evaluated quite clearly if we know:

     a. The houses it is connected
     b. The star lord of the planet and its house connections

     d. The sub-lord of the planet and its house connections

6. There are many gems in the KB system of prediction. We will be covering all the gems in the coming days. 

7. I have found KP and KB - a system with predictive power, a system that deserves for thorough investigation and research and there are great scope for improvement and refinement through practice. 

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